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Because I am an "in the moment" teacher, I need to pay attention to this more than I have been recently. I am grateful to you yesterday for reminding me of the importance of this dynamic in order for me to continue to be the teacher I imagine I would like to be!After this particular reflection, Kallick worked with the teachers to design their next session to better meet everyone's needs. Sharing parts of the reflection brought them to another level of understanding as they worked together in a learning community. Reflection can bring the same spirit of community to your classroom, too. Students also learn much when they see examples of reflection from other students' journals. You might want to cull a variety of examples to share.

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At CodeAcademy, you can dive right in and take courses that teach you everything from HTML and CSS, JavaScript and SQL to Bash/Shell, Python, Ruby and C++. Founded in 2012, Coursera has grown into a major for profit educational technology company that has offered more than 1,000 courses from 119 institutions. While you can pay for certain programs to receive a certificate, there are a number of free introductory programming courses in various specializations from universities such as the University of Washington, Stanford, the University of Toronto and Vanderbilt. EdX is another leading online learning platform that is open source instead of for profit. It was founded by Harvard University and MIT in 2012, so you know that youll learn about cutting edge technologies and theories. Today, edX includes 53 schools.

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Edit them in the Widget section of the Customizer. Goal setting is an important life skill that is never too early to start developing. Learning to set goals teaches children to take responsibility for themselves. They learn that their actions determine whether or not they fail or succeed. Goal setting also builds self confidence. When children reach their goals, they learn to believe in their abilities and are more likely to set new goals for themselves in the future. 1. Collaborate with the child to set goals. Try not to dictate to the child what goals he/she should set. The child is more likely to push towards their goals if they can take ownership of them and are vested in the outcome of their goals. As the child gets older, assess whether or not they are capable of setting goals on their own.

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The Cold War had the effect of unifying the Republicans like little else. Even the dramatic deficit increases of the time, largely due to defense spending, were seen as necessary in the fight to end communism. And President Reagan did not have an unstable occupation on his hands. Nor did he face nearly as united a Democratic Party as exists today. The result: some conservatives are questioning the voluminous spending for the war in Iraq. "There is some unrest, there is some uneasiness, there is some unhappiness," said presidential historian Lee Edwards of the conservative Heritage Foundation, regarding the political right today.

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